The Wealth of Nations Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sudden fortunes, indeed, are sometimes made in such places by what is called the trade of speculation. (1.10.41)

Smith admits that people sometimes get rich overnight by gambling on the stock market. But he doesn't recommend this as a safe way of making money. He's worried that people like this can ruin the economy if they make too many bad bets.

Quote #8

By such maxims as these, however, nations have been taught that their interest consisted in beggaring all their neighbours. (4.3.6)

The traditional wisdom of economics is that your country can only get richer by making other countries poorer. But Smith believes that everyone can get richer at the same time if they open the doors of free trade.

Quote #9

Whatever part of his stock a man employs as a capital, he always expects is to be replaced to him with a profit. (2.3.6)

Whenever a dude with equipment or a stockpile of wealth uses his stuff, he always expects a profit. He won't let someone operate his sock-making machine unless he can make some money off those socks.