When Harry Met Sally Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from When Harry Met Sally.

Quote #1

HARRY: I love you.

Really, dude? You love Amanda? Five years down the road, you won't even remember her last name. That, to Shmoop, does not sound like love.

Quote #2

SALLY: I love you.

We're a bit more inclined to believe that Sally really did love Joe. They were together for years and didn't break up because of a lack of love—they broke up because they didn't want the same things. Or so Sally thought.

Quote #3

SALLY: You're getting married.

HARRY: Yeah. […] What's so funny about that?

SALLY: It's... well... It's just so optimistic of you, Harry.

HARRY: Well you'd be amazed what falling madly in love can do for you.

Yeah, he's talking about Helen here—not Amanda. For their first two meet-cutes, Harry is supposedly in love with someone else—someone decidedly not Sally. He doesn't utter the L-word word again until the movie's climactic scene.