When Harry Met Sally Scene 21 Summary

  • Sally and Marie are hustling down a New York street at night.
  • Marie confesses that she sent herself flowers from a fake "Jonathan" in order to make her married boyfriend jealous, in the hopes that might make him leave his wife.
  • Which he's not going to do. Girl, get over it.
  • As the two chat, we learn that Sally is trying to set up Marie with Harry.
  • Then we cut to Harry and Jess, and we learn that Harry is trying to set up Jess with Sally.
  • Jess is skeptical. Harry has said that Sally has a good personality, which must mean she's "not that attractive."
  • Dude. It's Meg Ryan.
  • At dinner, we see that the two set-ups aren't going that great. An awkward silence ensues.
  • And then something happens.
  • Marie quotes Jess's article—to his face—not realizing that he wrote it. The two hit it off.
  • After the date, Jess and Marie grab a cab together, leaving Harry and Sally alone together on the street.
  • Well, at least the date was a success for two out of the four?