Where the Red Fern Grows Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I saw the fire come back to his eyes. This made me feel better. He was more like the grandpa I loved […].

I didn't care how many deals my grandpa cooked up. He was still the best grandpa in the whole wide world. (14.16-22)

Sometimes your family is a pillar of strength; sometimes your family is a kooky old grandpa who's getting you into scrapes. Is it just us, or does Grandpa sometimes feel like more of a kid than Billy himself?

Quote #8

I had a wonderful mother and father and three little sisters. I had the best grandpa a boy ever had, and to top it all, I was going on a championship coon hunt. (14.78)

Billy really does love and appreciate his family, but, huh, seems like he left someone out. You know, like his grandma? That's a little weird, and we're wondering why she doesn't seem to have a bigger role in his life.

Quote #9

When Mama said this, it dawned on me. I had been so busy with my coon hunting I hadn't noticed anything unusual. Mama's tummy was all swelled up. She was going to have a baby. I felt guilty for not having noticed. (14.94)

Billy finally realizes that by getting so caught up in his own world of hunting, he might be neglecting his family a bit. You know, just a tiny bit. To be fair, we're not sure many adolescent boys want to think about their moms being pregnant.