White Fang Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) Shmoop has numbered the chapters continuously, but the book renumbers them in each Part.

Quote #1

The surprise and hurt of it brought a yelp out of White Fang; but the next moment, in a rush of anger, he was upon Lip-lip and snapping viciously. (9.32)

Is this really bravery? Or just anger clouding White Fang to the harsh reality that he's about to get his little butt kicked?

Quote #2

But the effect upon White Fang was not to cow him. Though he suffered most of the damage and was always defeated, his spirit remained unsubdued. (10.8)

The book connects courage to the spirit in White Fang. He gets beaten and hurt but always bounces back like a gray, furry jack-in-the-box, ever ready for more. London really seems to admire that in his hero, and uses it to make White Fang really earn our sympathies.

Quote #3

At first, he had known surprise. Then came a momentary fear, when he yelped several times to the impact of the hand. But this was quickly followed by anger. His free nature asserted itself, and he showed his teeth and snarled fearlessly in the face of the wrathful god. (10.19)

Is White Fang really being brave here, or is he just too ignorant about Grey Beaver's "god man" status to know better? More importantly, does life in the wild make him brave, and if so, does he lose that bravery now that he's busy getting domesticated?