White Fang Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) Shmoop has numbered the chapters continuously, but the book renumbers them in each Part.

Quote #1

This time, before he dozed again, he tied a burning pine-knot to his right hand. His eyes were closed but few minutes when the burn of the flame on his flesh awakened him. (3.33)

Henry is fighting off the wolves here, and he's deliberately suffering to help himself. Pain keeps him awake even when he's exhausted. In the very first chapter, London's telling us that suffering isn't always pointless… and that we sometimes suffer by choice. Even the non-masochists among us.

Quote #2

It was a torment, this hand that touched him and violated his instinct. He could not forget in a day all the evil that had been wrought him at the hands of men. (20.10)

London connects human hands to suffering here. We're such jerks to White Fang, and all of our suffering comes from the tools we hold in our hands. Therefore, it's important that Scott undo all of that by using his hands in a non-torturous way. Good for you Weedon.

Quote #3

The beating that had gone before was as nothing compared with the beating he now received. Grey Beaver's wrath was terrible; likewise was White Fang's fright. (10.22)

All of the pain and torment out in the wilderness are nothing compared to the suffering that man inflicts on White Fang. London goes back to that well a lot. We do things far worse to White Fang than anything in the wild would. We're kind of jerks that way.