The White Man's Burden Resources


Get Social

The Kipling Society's webpage features an intriguing link to more reading, called "The Kipling File."

A Solid Foundation

The Poetry Foundation has a great bio on our guy, as well as links to other works.

A Nobel Fellow

Did you know that Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907? Just click if you don't believe us.


A Bit of Bio

Here's a video overview of Kipling's life and work.

The Spanish-American War

Here's a video all about the conflict that inspired the poem.


A Serious Reading

We don't know about you, but we think the British accent lends this reading some gravity.


Kipling in Spectacles

That's a great mustache, man.

Kipling, the Elder

Are those the same glasses?

Home, Sweet Home

This is the house Kipling was born in, in Bombay, India.

Articles and Interviews

"A Great American"

The New Republic proclaims Kipling a "great American," even though he was British. (To be fair, he did live in Vermont for a few years…)

Plagiarism? Plagiarism!

In a recently-discovered letter, it turns out that Kipling may have lifted material he used for his famous Jungle Book.


Kipling's Amazon Page

Celebrate his whole catalog.

Collected Poems

Just into the verses? Then look no further.

Movie or TV Productions

The guy wrote a lot of things that have been turned into movies. Check out this impressive list.

White Man's Burden: The Movie!

Check out this trailer for an… interesting movie in which the racial roles are reversed. It stars John Travolta and Harry Belafonte.