Why We Broke Up Chapter 7 Summary

  • Here we have a matchbox, another item in the breakup box. It used to have matches in it, but now it's empty—like Min's heart.
  • Min explains that she likes to light matches when she hangs out on the roof of her house late at night. She burned some of them the night after her first date with Ed, going over the "scenes" from that day as though it were a movie.
  • Flashback to Min and Ed following "Lottie Carson." She has stopped for a bite at a fancy Russian restaurant.
  • The young couple decides to wait a few minutes before going into the restaurant. They bicker because Ed's good at math. Ed is embarrassed about being smart because it's "gay," but Min thinks he should be embarrassed about his homophobia.
  • They enter the restaurant and realize it's too expensive. As they walk back out, Ed grabs a matchbox because he's classy like that.
  • The chapter closes with Min remembering the times she burned the rest of the matches: after she lost her virginity (spoiler alert) and after the breakup itself. She talks about wanting to burn down the world. So yeah, she's definitely still mad.