Memory and the Past Quotes in Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph) and (Volume.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

How quickly you could be thrown back to the terrible uncertainty of your youth! (5.3.63)

This idea of returning to youth, and its accompanying uncertainty, affects both Elphaba and Glinda in their middle age. These women certainly couldn't be more different on the outside, but they share a lot of important traits.

Quote #8

They had too much common history to come apart over a pair of shoes, yet the shoes were planted between them, a grotesque icon of their differences. Neither one could retreat, or move forward. (5.3.101)

It's interesting that Glinda and Elphaba's common history is referenced here, given that they really didn't spend all that long in each other's company – just a few years out of a lifetime. But history here could refer more to significant experiences than length of time.

Quote #9

Those times are over and gone, and good riddance to them. We were hopelessly high-spirited. Now we're the thick-waisted generation, dragging our children behind us and carrying our parents on our backs. We're in charge, while the figures who used to command our respect are wasting away. (5.5.36)

Boq would make a super spokesperson for the AARP. Unlike Elphaba, he doesn't seem to miss his youthful days, even if he isn't exactly thrilled with being middle aged either, as his rather negative word choices demonstrate ("dragging," "carrying," "wasting").