The Wild Swans at Coole Resources


Yeats at

Check out Yeats's page on the Nobel Prize website.

Coole Park

The homepage for Coole Park, which is now owned by the government.

"Coole Park, 1929"

Here's another poem Yeats wrote about Coole Park.

"Leda and the Swan"

Here's another poem Yeats wrote about a swan.



Check out an actor portraying W.B. as he reads this poem.

Reading, Plus Slides

This reading of the poem shows some slides as well.

Cute, or Creepy?

This (brother and sister?) pair really walk the line in their reading of the poem.



Here's the Librivox audio of the poem.

The Man Himself!

Here's a (very old) recording of Yeats reading some poems.


Younger Yeats

Here's a famous picture of Yeats as a young man.

Older Yeats

Here's Yeats in his own old age.

Lady Gregory

Here's a picture of Lady Gregory, once the owner of Coole Park.

Lady Gregory's Pad

Check out the house where Lady Gregory lived, and Yeats stayed (now demolished).

"The Wild Swans at Coole" Manuscript

Wow. This is Yeats' manuscript version of the poem, and it looks a wee bit different. Be sure to click through to page 2

The Autograph Tree

Here's a tree at Coole Park, in which a number of writers, including Yeats, carved their initials (Yeats is next to the number 10).