Winter Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

When icicles hang by the wall, (1)

The icicles here almost seem to have a life of their own. They aren't hanging from the wall; they "hang by" it. Forgive us the pun, but they're chillin' like a couple of teenagers.

Quote #2

And Tom bears logs into the hall, (3)

Tom is an example of how people can use nature to survive nature. Wait—what? Tom is using "logs" (nature) to make a nice warm fire so he doesn't die as a result of nature's savage winter.

Quote #3

Then nightly sings the staring owl,
                      "Tu-whit, to-who!"— (7-8)

Okay seriously, this doesn't really sound like an owl at all. Well, it kind of does, but not exactly. Human language cannot adequately describe nature—that seems to be the lesson here.