Winter Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

If you've read our "In a Nutshell" section, you know that "Winter" is part of a two-song sequence sung at the end of Love's Labour's Lost. Like many poem-songs in English, the meter of "Winter"—i...


If you've read our "In a Nutshell" section, you know that this poem comes in right near the very end of Love's Labour's Lost. You should also know that some Spanish dude named Armado actually asks...


Icicles, frozen milk, chilled blood—the action is definitely taking place somewhere where it's winter. But not just anywhere—just based on what the people in the poem are doing, it sure sounds...

Sound Check

"Winter" has a very, um, seasonal flavor to it. Its sounds try both to convey an idea of "winter" but also the idea of changing seasons more generally. As far as giving us an idea of what "winter"...

What's Up With the Title?

You know, it's kind of funny. This is poem is called "Winter," but the word "winter" doesn't appear anywhere in its eighteen lines—not once. Weird. Why do you suppose that is? Luckily, Shmoopers,...

Calling Card

Remember how we told you "Winter" is actually a song in the play Love's Labour's Lost? Well, Love's Labour's Lost isn't the only play that has a song in it. It turns out there are tons of songs emb...


As far as Shakespeare goes, this poem isn't too bad. While Shakespeare can be quite difficult, especially in plays like Love's Labour's Lost, he really does give us a break in this poem. Sure, ther...


Apparently, Love's Labour's Lost was the first play printed with Shakespeare's name attached to it. Huh, we had no idea about that either, actually. (Source.)Just like a ghost, Shakespeare once dis...

Steaminess Rating

Everything is frozen solid. People are too busy trying to stay warm (and alive, for that matter) to worry about sex. While "Winter's" counterpart, "Spring," is all about fertility and sexual energy...