The Witches Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"She was simply a part of the painting, just a picture painted on the canvas." (2.31)

According to Grandmamma, Solveg Christiansen was transformed by witches into a figure in a painting. This is different than some of the other transformations we see in the book, because Solveg can't continue to talk to her family or friends, like our narrator can once he's a mouse. If the witches are capable of it, why don't they just put all of the children into a painting, where they would have to be alone?

Quote #2

"After tventy-six seconds, child is not a child any longer. It is a mouse!" (8.54)

After our narrator's transformation, we find out that this isn't exactly true. A child is no longer a child, but it's not a mouse either – it's a child-mouse. A child-mouse can still do most of the things a child can do, he's just a little smaller.

Quote #3

It was astonishing how the mask transformed her. All of a sudden she became once again a rather pretty young lady. (10.9)

The Grand High Witch is so monstrous that she has to wear a mask. With it, she's rather pretty; without it, she looks as though her face has been "pickled in vinegar" (7.7). Talk about a difference. In the end, though, the mask doesn't truly transform her. In the same way that our narrator doesn't change personalities when he becomes a mouse, the Grand High Witch is just as evil, mask or not.