The Witches Hate Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A REAL WITCH hates children with a red-hot sizzling hatred that is more sizzling and red-hot than any hatred you could possibly imagine. (1.6)

Well that's put in no uncertain terms. Roald Dahl sets it out for us right from the beginning that witches hate children. This is a fact about witches, and it's as clear as clear can be.

Quote #2

A REAL WITCH gets the same pleasure from squelching a child as you get from eating a plateful of strawberries and thick cream. (1.9)

This is such a lovely example of Roald Dahl turning something incredibly violent and traumatic into a playful, lighthearted image. He's comparing the violent death of a child to eating a super-sweet and delicious dessert. In some ways, it makes it all the more unsettling. At the same time, though, the image we're left with isn't the squelching, but the strawberries and cream. Yum.

Quote #3

"[T]heir favourite ruse is to mix up a powder that will turn a child into some creature or other that all grown-ups hate." (4.17)

Not only do witches have a huge amount of hate inside them, they can inspire hate in others. They know what makes adults cringe, and they feed off that to carry out their evil plans.