The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Dorothy was once more filled with the hope of getting home, and the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were glad to be of use to her. (19.7)

There are a few times when Dorothy lets difficult circumstances get her down. It never lasts long, though. Hope keeps her going. This trip to the South is Plan C to get her home after the Wizard's magic and his hot-air balloon both failed to do the job. Good thing Dorothy doesn't give up easily.

Quote #8

"It seems gloomy," said the Scarecrow.

"Not a bit of it," answered the Lion; "I should like to live here all my life." (21.3-21.4)

One man's dream is another man's nightmare. Or, more specifically, one lion's dream is one scarecrow's nightmare. It takes all sorts of people with all sorts of perspectives to make the world go round.

Quote #9

"I am glad I was of use to these good friends. But now that each of them has what he most desired, and each is happy in having a kingdom to rule besides, I think I should like to get back to Kansas." (23.33)

Now that everyone else's dreams have been fulfilled, it's Dorothy's turn, dang it! Could this book have ended any differently? What if just one character hadn't gotten what he or she wanted?