The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What will you do when Dorothy has left us?"

"I will return to the Emerald City," he replied, "for Oz has made me its ruler and the people like me." (23.14-15)

The Scarecrow started the story alone on a pole in a field. But by the end, he has a place where he is wanted—in other words, a home.

Quote #8

"The Winkies were very kind to me, and wanted me to rule over them after the Wicked Witch died. I am fond of the Winkies, and if I could get back again to the country of the West I should like nothing better than to rule over them forever." (23.21)

Looks like the tin man has given up the dream of finding his fiancée. He has a new home, and it's with the Winkies.

Quote #9

Then the Witch looked at the big, shaggy Lion and asked, "When Dorothy has returned to her own home, what will become of you?"

"Over the hill of the Hammer-Heads," he answered, "lies a grand old forest, and all the beasts that live there have made me their King. If I could only get back to this forest I would pass my life very happily there." (23.25-26)

Even the Lion has found a home! Great job, guys. Now everyone's sorted.