The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We cannot fly, that is certain; neither can we climb down into this great ditch. Therefore, if we cannot jump over it, we must stop where we are."

"I think I could jump over it," said the Cowardly Lion, after measuring the distance carefully in his mind. (7.9-7.10)

The travelers have many, many opportunities to give up. Instead, when they're presented with an obstacle, they work hard to overcome it.

Quote #5

"We must journey on until we find the road of yellow brick again," said Dorothy, "and then we can keep on to the Emerald City." (10.5)

Dorothy and the Lion almost died in the poppy field, but their first thought upon waking up is that they must carry on until they reach the Emerald City. Did someone say perseverance?

Quote #6

The Wicked Witch was so angry when she saw her black bees in little heaps like fine coal that she stamped her foot and tore her hair and gnashed her teeth. And then she called a dozen of her slaves, who were the Winkies, and gave them sharp spears, telling them to go to the strangers and destroy them. (12.37)

Note that this is the fourth of five attempts that the Wicked Witch makes on Dorothy's life. Did you get that? Five attempts. Of course, this is the only instance in the book when persistence just doesn't pay off.