The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She looked down at Dorothy's feet, and seeing the Silver Shoes, began to tremble with fear, for she knew what a powerful charm belonged to them. (12.59)

The Wicked Witch of the West is afraid of Dorothy, but she recognizes that the girl isn't aware of her own power. This allows her to control Dorothy, even though she technically has less power.

Quote #8

Then she noticed Dorothy's Golden Cap, and said, "Why don't you use the charm of the Cap, and call the Winged Monkeys to you? […]

"I didn't know there was a charm," answered Dorothy in surprise. (14.14, 14.15)

We said it before, and now we'll say it again. Just because Dorothy doesn't know how to control her power doesn't mean she doesn't have it.

Quote #9

"One of my greatest fears was the Witches, for while I had no magical powers at all I soon found out that the Witches were really able to do wonderful things." (15.74)

The wizard is supposedly the most powerful man in all of Oz, but he's a pretender. Who holds the real power? Four women. Well, make that two, since the wicked witches are dead. But they think the wizard is the powerful one! Makes you wonder just how powerful your own thoughts may be, huh? If you believe someone else has power over you, turns out they do.