Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Resources


IMDB Entry

Here's IMDB's entry on The Wrath of Khan.

Memory Alpha Entry

Memory Alpha, the wiki for all things Trek, has an entry for The Wrath of Khan.

Star Entry

Here's's look at The Wrath of Khan.

TV Tropes

TV Tropes takes its own unique look at the movie.


Space Seed

IMDB's page covering the original TV episode that inspired the film.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Or, as wags have dubbed it, "The Motionless Picture."

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

If you want to know what happens next, tune in to this pretty good entry, directed by Mr. Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy. And for the second movie in a row, his last lines get us right in the feels.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Star Trek II, III and IV form a sort of jury-rigged trilogy, and after all the sturm und drang of Khan and Spock, they wisely decided to go a little lighter here. Nimoy returns to the director's chair as Kirk and the gang go back in time to save the humpback whales from extinction.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

With Nimoy an established success in the director's chair, Shatner thought he'd take a shot at it. We never, ever speak of the results.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Nicholas Meyer returns, as the original crew bids farewell to the franchise at last. It's not the best of the series, but it does pretty well for itself nonetheless.

Star Trek: Into Darkness

We're going to jump ahead to the recent reboot of the saga, the second entry of which posited an all-new conflict against Khan. It did not go over well with the fans, but—with the exception of that cop-out ending—we don't think it's all that bad.

Star Trek Beyond

Not only have we stopped numbering, but we've dropped the colon, too. Boom.


Rotten Tomatoes Page

If you need reviews, then Rotten Tomatoes has 'em…with The Wrath of Khan sitting pretty at a tight little 88% rating.

Roger Ebert's Review

The great Roger Ebert gives us his thoughts.

30 Surprising Facts

A little bit of trivia from the folks over at The Geek Twins.

Ethics and the Kobayashi Maru

The Onion's AV Club goes into the nuts and bolts of the no-win scenario.

A Chat with the Producer

CNet talks to Wrath of Khan producer Robert Sallin.


The Original Trailer

Here's the film's snazzy trailer, along with a link to let you purchase a download for a reasonable price.

Director's Cut Scenes

Like a lot of movies, Star Trek II got a director's cut for its DVD release, with added scenes that make the character interactions more in-depth. This informative video demonstrates the changes.

Khan Speaks

Ricardo Montalban talks about his most famous role.

Promotional Interviews

Shatner, Nimoy and the gang talk Wrath during the original promotion for the film.

Nicholas Meyer

The director lends his view to the shoot.

Robot Chicken

We love Robot Chicken around here, but frankly speaking it's usually a little blue. Not for this Khan parody, though, which properly puts the "opera" in space opera.

Khan Hawks Cars!

A vintage ad featuring Ricardo Montalban. What the heck is fine Corinthian leather anyway?


The Soundtrack

Take a listen to James Horner's soundtrack from the film.


The Poster

Back in the dark days before Photoshop, you had to actually paint a picture for the poster. The Wrath of Khan did pretty well on that front.

Don't Pick at It

Ricardo Montalban gets in touch with his inner roadkill in a behind-the-scenes shot from the film.

"If I Squeeze Here…"

Shatner and Meyer mess around on the set.


Another behind-the-scenes shot of the film being made.

"Gimmie Some Sugar, Baby…"

Kirstie Alley and Leonard Nimoy on set.

So That's How They Did It

Another shot demonstrating how Khan pulled off that power lift of Chekov.

A Little Before and After

A quick shot of Montalban in the original episode and again of him in the movie.

Tumblr Goodness

Ready to go down the rabbit hole? Tumblr's got the hook up.