Wuthering Heights Foreignness and the Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're fit for a prince in disguise. Who knows but your father was Emperor of China, and your mother an Indian queen, each of them able to buy up, with one week's income, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange together? And you were kidnapped by wicked sailors and brought to England." (7.44)

With her love of stories, Nelly Dean inadvertently plants ideas in Heathcliff's head. Here are the seeds of his revenge against Hindley and Edgar.

Quote #8

Doubtless Catherine marked the difference between her friends, as one came in and the other went out. The contrast resembled what you see in exchanging a bleak, hilly, coal country for a beautiful fertile valley; and his voice and greeting were as opposite as his aspect. (8.53)

Edgar and Heathcliff present two opposing images, each of which appeals to a different part of Catherine. What's suggestive here is how closely the description of Edgar resembles the location of Thrushcross Grange.

Quote #9

"Now continue the history of Mr. Heathcliff, from where you left off, to the present day. Did he finish his education on the Continent, and come back a gentleman? or did he get a sizar's place at college, or escape to America, and earn honours by drawing blood from his foster-country? or make a fortune more promptly on the English highways?" (10.8)

Foreign-looking by birth, Heathcliff's three-year absence compels speculation about travel to faraway travels. How did he get so much money? Where did he learn his sophisticated ways? All we know is that he has gone from being just plain Heathcliff to Mr. Heathcliff.