Wuthering Heights The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I have a strong faith in ghosts: I have a conviction that they can, and do, exist among us! (29.24)

Heathcliff feels Catherine's reach beyond the grave, which holds out the promise that their love doesn't have to die. Brontë really mixes up Gothic conventions by creating a character who wants ghosts to exist.

Quote #8

"Is he a ghoul or a vampire?" I mused. I had read of such hideous incarnate demons. And then I set myself to reflect how I had tended him in infancy, and watched him grow to youth, and followed him almost through his whole course; and what absurd nonsense it was to yield to that sense of horror. "But where did he come from, the little dark thing, harboured by a good man to his bane?" muttered Superstition, as I dozed into unconsciousness. (34.46)

Nelly is torn between the Heathcliff she helped raise and the brute he has become. Her memories of him as a child prevent her from believing that he is a truly dark character. Still, she struggles against her tendency toward superstition.

Quote #9

"They won't do that," he replied: "if they did, you must have me removed secretly; and if you neglect it you shall prove, practically, that the dead are not annihilated!" (34.81)

If Heathcliff is not buried next to Catherine, he will plague those who refuse his request. Here it is Heathcliff and not Catherine who will be a ghost. And he knows that pretty much everyone else is afraid of ghosts.