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Political Topics

Policy Makers vs. Teachers

Scrapping soda from school lunches. Common Core, Race to the Top, and No Child Left Behind. Replacing old, awesome jungle gyms with new-fangled plastic structures that are way less fun (if also way...

Teachers' Unions

Unions. Those oh-so controversial groupings that some folks just love to hate, others hate to love, and the news just loves to broadcast.Why the controversy? These are the folks who brought you the...

Merit-Based Pay

A teacher who is doing a remarkable job should be compensated more highly than a teacher who is simply showing up to work, putting in the required seat time, and bolting at the last bell, n'est-ce...


Let's just dive right in and look at the two sides of the debate. Teacher tenure is absolutely necessary. It ensures that teachers have adequate job protections in place, preventing experienced tea...

Extended School Year

Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of becoming a teacher? We all come back to education land because we want to have summers off for the rest of our lives, right? JK...kind of.Before we get in...

Extended School Day

Um…extending the day? What about sports games, art classes, goofing off in the park, and that little thing called homework? Or like…a free afternoon here and there?But are the 7-ish hours of th...

School Violence

Columbine. Jonesboro. Sandy Hook. That's a list of names that can make even the strongest of stomachs turn. And every time these names are mentioned—whether in the media, in the classroom, or in...

Charter Schools

Charter schools are a brilliant idea because they offer a diverse range of students a great education using taxpayer money. Charter schools are the worst thing to ever hit humanity because they off...

Should Teachers Carry Guns?

Chances are you have a strong opinion on this issue. And chances are you know someone who disagrees with you. The YeasUtah is one of seven states (along with Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, South Dakota,...

Voucher Systems and School Choice

Voucher systems that provide parents and students with school choice will do one thing:They will drastically improve education by rewarding institutions that perform well and incentivizing poorly p...

Tracking Systems

Hugs Instead of Handshakes: The Demise of Tracking in SchoolsThe thrill of victory; the agony of defeat. That's a catch phrase to which most Americans connect emotionally. We think of Michael Phelp...