Conditional Value At Risk - CVaR

Brokerage firms, and those with large investment portfolios, like to measure the value at risk (VaR). It’s a statistical probability formula (don’t ask) done to cover a specific period of time for particular securities. It provides a worst case scenario if any of the securities perform poorly. But a conditional value at risk (CVaR) takes that worst case threshold and puts a number to it.

In other words, CVaR is the amount of expected losses that might occur beyond the VaR point. This might apply to riskier investments, such as recent Initial Public Offerings (IPO), options trading, and small-cap stocks. The smaller the CVaR the better, but investments with high CVaRs often have more upside potential.

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Finance: What is a Bulge Bracket Firm?1 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is a bulge bracket firm? no this has nothing to do [Weightwatchers appears]


with Weight Watchers Oprah or kale...bulge refers to the size of corporate banks


wallets and there are only a few investment banking firms who you know [man holding a wallet]


bulge... that's Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan


Stanley and a few others some in Europe some in Asia none in Antarctica


sorry penguins just keeping it real bulge is basically "everything for


everyone" these banks trade in the most obscure derivatives and enable


firms to raise literally any amount of money they want to raise cover every


need in asset management, tax planning, legal coverage and so on everything so


what's a non bulge or niche firm well it's one that specializes in a given


category or service famous example Allen and company specializes in the media [Examples of media business firms]


business Hollywood banking internet media things like tech the firm has less


than 100 people but it's a powerhouse in its domain just one of many specialty


firms the oil industry has its darlings so does tech, those are niche,


this is bulge....and this is a bulge Jenny Craig can you know help with that [Man in taco bell with a bulging tummy]

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