Domestic Credit PPP

PPP means “public-private partnerships,” which is when the private sector and the government work together to make stuff happen. Think: the build of sporting arenas and the wrangling of public transportation.

Lots of ways this can be done, but in general, the strength of PPPs is using the efficiency and expertise of private companies, together with the government’s needs to serve the public to create stuff. Cool.

Domestic credit is one of those things that PPPs can make happen. Domestic credit PPP is when the government and private enterprises work together to make local lending a thing. By making borrowing a possibility (wrapped with all the consumer protection legalese of the government), this funding source, at least notionally, boosts the local economy.

If things don't work out for the government, and at the end of the day it has the power to tax its hard-working, profit-earning citizens so if it can find private "partnerships" from which to build things, then um, why wouldn't it?

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