S-3 Filing


Categories: Regulations

Dealing with the SEC is a headache. Some companies just stay private to avoid the paperwork. Public companies have to file all sorts of documents with the SEC.

The S-3 is one of the least odious filings a company makes. Touted as the "most simplified registration form" the SEC offers, it comes into play after a company has already fulfilled a number of requirements (and filed a bunch of other paperwork). It's used after IPOs, and for other offerings of common or preferred stock.

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Finance: What is the 1934 Securities And...14 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is the 1934 Securities and Exchange Act? okay if


you're going to exchange securities like trade stocks and bonds among yourselves [Stocks and bond exchange between man and woman]


well then there have to be rules right yeah you'd think well there didn't used


to be and then aunt 1934 came along and well she set the table the key element [Aunt setting dinner table]


that 34 Act created was the SEC itself it's not a football conference near


Florida it was a wise creation because it recognized that well whatever the


world looked like in 1934 it was highly likely that 50 years later it would look


a whole lot different and while horses and buggies went away [Horse and carriage disappears]


while that wasn't the case for stocks and bonds and keep in mind that another


Act was created a year earlier cleverly named yes the Securities Act of 1933


while that act focused on primary shares that is original shares like the kind


sold in an IPO well the 1934 Act was all about shares


traded after that initial set it's called the secondary market where


secondary shares are traded not primary ones well this new law made the New York [Group of people dealing in stock market]


Stock Exchange a big deal with big powers and made insider trading illegal


and believe it or not it really wasn't illegal back then and it you know thus


paved the way for many exciting Wall Street movies where greed is sometimes


good and sometimes not [List of Wall Street movies]

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