Born to Run Quotes

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Source: Born to Run

Speaker: Bruce Springsteen

"Baby, we were born to run."

'Cause tramps like us, baby, we were born to run.


This line is from the song "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen, from the album Born to Run (1975).

This song is all about chasing that thing no one ever seems to be able to find: the elusive American Dream. For Bruce Springsteen, there's got to be something better out there, and he wants to find it with his girl Wendy.

The music here is a big, thrilling wall of sound, and the Boss sings about chasing this dream in a big American muscle car. It's all about hitting the road and getting out of New Jersey. Bruce is ready to go, and if Wendy would only agree, they'd zoom out of town in one of those cars and find their dream way out on Highway 9 somewhere.

And why do this? Why not just stay in nice, safe New Jersey? Well, because tramps like us? Deep down, we're all born to run.

Where you've heard it

From TV to books to music, you might say this song was born to run. It's enjoyed parodies galore, from Sesame Street's "Born to Add" to Jimmy Fallon's performance with the real Bruce. Fallon also did a parody with the Glee cast (and a bunch of other famous people) for the 2010 Emmy Awards.

But it's Bruce himself who holds the title for keeping this song in play. He's made a habit of playing it at nearly every single one of his live shows since 1975. He's also played it at the Super Bowl, and on Jon Stewart's very last Daily Show appearance.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

Unless you're a blue collar worker postulating on the sad state of the American Dream today, this might sound a little cheesy. Unless you're a massive Springsteen fan, in which case, sing your heart out.