Blue Suede Shoes Quotes

Shmoop will make you a better lover...of quotes


Source: Blue Suede Shoes

Author: Carl Perkins

You can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes.


This line is from the song "Blue Suede Shoes," a single released in by Carl Perkins (1956).

Collaboration can yield some nifty things. Take this song, for example. It all started when Johnny Cash told Carl Perkins a story of a man named C.V. White, who referred to his military regulation airman shoes as "blue suede shoes." Cash told Perkins he should write a song about shoes, and Perkins filed the idea away in his "crazy, non-profitable idea" file because really, who expected a song about shoes to do so well?

Cut to a few months later. Perkins was playing for a dance where he heard a man telling everybody to be careful of his "suedes," meaning, yup, you guessed it, his blue suede shoes. Inspired, Perkins went home and wrote the song on a potato sack.

We had no reason to include the potato sack fact. We just thought that was kind of cool.

Anyway. The line is simply saying that this guy really, really, really loves his shoes. So try not to step on them.

Where you've heard it

Do you know anyone with blue suede shoes? 'Cause we don't, but if did, we'd sure tell people to lay off of them while we cruised down to the sock hop in our Model T. 

Since we're guessing you don't know anyone with blue suede shoes, chances are you've heard the Elvis cover of this song. And even if you didn't know it was about actual blue suede shoes, you've probably heard the familiar, "it's one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, now go cat go" opening.

Now if you'd excuse us, we have to check Google and see if sock hops still exist, because if they don't, they should.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

If you're quoting this line just for fun (regardless of whether or not you're wearing the shoes), then you're a hip cat, and everyone knows hip cats are a 1 on the pretentious scale.