The Producers Quotes

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Source: The Producers

Speaker: Franz Liebkind

"The Fuhrer was a terrific dancer."

Not many people know it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.


This line is spoken by Franz Liebkind, played by Kenneth Mars, in the film The Producers, directed by Mel Brooks (1968).

It's the perfect scam: two Broadway producers get investors to chip in way more than 100% of the profits on a musical that they're sure will flop. Then they'll head to Brazil with the investors' money when the play premieres as a dud. (The play is called Springtime for Hitler, and all your guesses about its absolutely inane, shocking content are right on target, but don't expect any plot spoilers here.)

The producers are having trouble finding a script writer until they meet loony former Nazi and playwright, Franz Liebkind, who assures them that the Fuhrer could shake a tailfeather; he witnessed it firsthand. Things only get more hilarious from there, but you'll have to watch it for yourself.

Where you've heard it

In the 1968 movie. Of course, because people can't get enough of a good thing, you can also hear this quote in the Broadway adaptation of the 1968 movie, and again in the 2005 movie adaptation of the Broadway adaptation of the 1968 movie. Confused yet? Someone probably got a trip to Brazil out of this deal.

The Producers is also Vince's favorite movie in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Other than that, it's tough to find this quote dropped by anyone other than your thespian (theater) friends, and of course, only ironically.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

We could call this one neutral. It's all about context. If people have seen the movie, they'll bust a gut laughing. If they haven't, prepare to spend the next 10 minutes explaining that you're not a Nazi sympathizer.