A Star Is Born Quotes

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Source: A Star Is Born

Speaker: Vicki Lester

"Hello, everybody. This is Mrs. Norman Maine."

Announcer: Miss Lester? This microphone is on an international hookup. Throughout the world, your fans are hoping that you'll say a few words to them.

Vicki Lester: Hello, everybody. This is Mrs. Norman Maine.


This line is spoken by Vicki Lester, played by Janet Gaynor, in the film A Star Is Born, directed by William A. Wellman (1937).

When a Midwestern farm girl named Esther heads to Hollywood with dreams of stardom, it doesn't look like she's gonna make it… until she runs into famous actor Norman Maine. Norman helps her career along, changing her name to Vicki Lester, and—well, you guessed it—a star is born!

But once Norman and Vicki are married, things get rocky pretty quickly. Norman's career is fading fast—mainly because he's a raging alcoholic—while Vicki's is skyrocketing. When Vicki decides to quit show business to take care of Norman, her husband decides it's better for him to end his life, so the woman he loves doesn't have to sacrifice her career for him.

This line pops up at the end of the movie. Norman is dead and Vicki has returned to the spotlight. As she steps out to address her adoring fans, she notices Norman's signature in the cement outside the theater. So, when the announcer asks her if she has anything she wants to say, she introduces herself to her adoring fans as "Mrs. Norman Maine," reaffirming her love for her late husband and letting the crowd know exactly who she attributes her success to.

Where you've heard it

This is the classic end to a classic movie and it's really a lovely line. It's just tough to work it into conversation…unless your husband's name happens to be Norman Maine. Keep checking Tinder, ladies.

Additional Notable References:

  • Franz Nicolay wrote a song called "Cease-Fire or Mrs. Norman Maine."

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

Are you Mrs. Norman Maine? Well, if not, it might be a little weird to use this line. Not pretentious exactly, but weird.