A Gathering of Old Men Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Gathering of Old Men? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which character symbolizes the old school plantation society social order?

Major Jack
Luke Will
Gil Boutan
Q. Which character is supposed to symbolize the legal system and how broken it is?

Ding Lejeune
Dirty Red
Sheriff Mapes
Lou Dimes
Q. Which character represents the old methods of racist vigilante "justice"?

Jean Boutan
Tee Beau Boutan
Alfonse Boutan
Fix Boutan
Q. Which set of characters is supposed to represent a future free of racism?

Candy and Lou
Sully and Gil
Gil and Cal
Fix and Mathilde
Q. Which character embodies that fighting spirit that never dies?

Charlie Biggs
Gable Rauand