A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I pray to the gods and ancestors that your family will always be together, even when one of you crosses into the spirit world. To family and community." The old man raised his open hands in the air. My father came over and stood by my mother and motioned for Junior and me to come closer. We did, and my father put his arms around us. The gathering clapped and a photographer took a few snapshots. I pressed my fingers on my eyelids to hold back my tears and wished that I could have my family together again. (7.3)

Ishmael's lost everything in the war, but the most important loss is his family. Even this memory of a happy moment—his naming ceremony—is tainted with sadness.

Quote #2

When I was very little, my father used to say, "If you are alive, there is hope for a better day and something good to happen. If there is nothing good left in the destiny of a person, he or she will die." I thought about these words during my journey, and they kept me moving even when I didn't know where I was going. Those words became the vehicle that drove my spirit forward and made it stay alive. (8.15)

Most of us remember things our parents have said when we were little, even if we didn't like hearing them at the time, or didn't understand them. We still carry them inside and think of them when we need them, like Ishmael did. 

Quote #3

We all began laughing. I wanted to leave right away, but we decided to spend the night in the village. Also, we wanted Saidu to rest, even though he kept telling us that he was fine. I was so happy that my mother, father, and two brothers had somehow found one another. Perhaps my mother and father have gotten back together, I thought. (10.84)

This happy moment is unfortunately a prelude to a sad one. You can imagine how much he's hoping that his family is alive and safe. For a child to imagine his family dead is unbearable.