Choices Quotes in A Man for All Seasons

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #1

CHAPUYS: (Ruffled) He has given his answer!

CROMWELL: The King will ask him for another. (1.413-414)

A Man for All Seasons rests upon a single choice: whether Thomas More should approve of King Henry's divorce from Queen Catherine or not. Trust us on this one—it's a sticky situation.

Quote #2

HENRY: Then you have not thought enough! (With real appeal) Great God, Thomas, why do you hold against me in the desire of my heart—the very wick of my heart? (1.554)

Initially, Henry makes a personal appeal to More by exploiting their long friendship and camaraderie. It works as well as a table tennis champion taking on Serena Williams. So that's when he takes things up a notch, throwing around his kingly weight to intimidate More into making the "right" choice. In a word: yikes. In two words: super yikes.

Quote #3

MORE: (Taking in her anxiety) Well, Alice. What would you want me to do?

ALICE: Be ruled! If you won't rule him, be ruled! (1.606-607)

That's a good point. As of yet, More hasn't made a choice—he's decided to stay silent so as not to incriminate himself. Alice eviscerates this argument, however, rightfully pointing out that he must make a decision sooner or later.