Félicité Barette Timeline and Summary


Félicité Barette Timeline and Summary

  • Félicité is orphaned and goes to work for a family.
  • After escaping being raped by a guy she meets at the fair, she starts dating him.
  • Théodore, the swell guy Félicité is dating, leaves her for another, rich woman.
  • Félicité starts working for Madame Aubain, falls in love with the kids Paul and Virginie, and becomes an indispensable member of the household.
  • After the death of her nephew, Félicité is saddened by the death of Virginie. She and Madame Aubain become friends.
  • Someone gives Félicité a pet parrot, Loulou, which becomes her constant companion. After it dies she has it stuffed and keeps it in her room.
  • Old, deaf, and almost blind, Félicité is the only one left in the house after Madame Aubain dies. She herself dies impoverished, with the vision of Loulou as the Holy Spirit in the heavens.