Margo Channing (Bette Davis)’s Timeline and Summary

Margo Channing (Bette Davis)’s Timeline and Summary

  • In her dressing room, Margo Channing meets Eve Harrington, her biggest fan.
  • After seeing how resourceful Eve is, Margo hires Eve as her assistant.
  • However, Eve gets to be too helpful, and Margo becomes suspicious.
  • Margo gets loaded and makes a fool of herself at a party for her boyfriend, Bill.
  • While Margo's drunk, Eve's networking, and she wrangles herself a job as Margo's understudy.
  • Margo's furious when she finds out, and she pitches such a fit that Bill breaks up with her because of her "paranoiac jealousy."
  • Karen keeps Margo from performing one night to teach Margo a lesson, and Eve goes on in her place and wows the crowd.
  • Addison publishes a vitriolic column about Margo, and Bill returns to comfort her.
  • Margo decides to quit acting and marry Bill. This makes her happy.
  • At the award ceremony, Margo doesn't clap for Eve, then insults her, proving she is the queen bee.