


Character Role Analysis

Margo Channing

Even though Eve's name is in the title, Margo Channing is the star of this show, mainly because it's hard to sympathize with a manipulative psychopath, which is what Eve is. Margo may be flawed. She drinks too much. She sometimes treats her friends as her "supporting cast," and she's extremely sensitive about her age.

However, she tries hard to be a better person. It helps that she consistently delivers some of the movie's wittiest lines. Her final blow to Eve is a stunner. After Eve receives an acting award, Margo says,

MARGO: Nice speech, Eve. But I wouldn't worry too much about your heart. You can always put that award where your heart ought to be.

It's like a knight driving a sword into a dragon. Once we realize who Eve really is, our sympathies are with Margo.