Almost Famous Scene 18 Summary

"50 Bucks and a Case of Beer"

  • To the heavy guitar riffing of "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)" by Jimi Hendrix, Stillwater leaves "Doris," the band bus behind, to board the airplane brought in by Dennis Hope.
  • In Boston, William walks into a poker game, which features the managers of the Who, the Eagles, and Humble Pie, as well as Dick and Russell.
  • Dick makes a bet that includes Penny Lane, which Russell says is fine. Reg from Humble Pie ends up winning Penny, in exchange for $50 and a case of beer.
  • Russell does not look thrilled, but he tells William that his wife is showing up in New York and that Penny has to leave, anyway.
  • We cut to William talking to Penny. He is noticeably upset, especially as the conversation turns to Russell.
  • Here William loses his temper for the first time. "You're too sweet for rock and roll," Penny tells him. "Sweet?" he asks. "Where do you get off? Where do you get sweet? I am dark and mysterious and pissed off, and I could be very dangerous to all of you… I am the enemy!"
  • After Penny shares that she might be in love with Russell, William finally reveals that Russell allowed Penny to be sold to Humble Pie for 50 bucks and a case of beer. "What kind of beer?" asks a visibly distraught Penny.