Alone Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

And bread loaf is not stone (5)

Wondering what this quote has to do with religion? Check out Matthew 4:3. It's a direct paraphrase! In the passage, Satan tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread – but Jesus resists.

Quote #2

But nobody  
Can make it out here alone.(9-10)

There's the possibility that "here" could refer to the earth…and that the only way out of "here" is to go to heaven. Or, um, other places.

Quote #3

Storm clouds are gathering
The wind is gonna blow (28-29)

If we're reading this poem as a call for more spiritual growth, then there's the possibility that these lines signal some kind of apocalypse: a moment when the troubles in the world come to a crisis point.