Milo Roberts (Nina Foch)’s Timeline and Summary

Milo Roberts (Nina Foch)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Milo spots Jerry in the street, compliments his artwork, and offers to buy some of his paintings. He'll have to come to her hotel to get his cash, though.
  • Milo tricks Jerry into coming back to her hotel room later for a party that doesn't really exist. Jerry's not happy, but agrees to go to dinner.
  • Milo offers to sponsor Jerry, and Jerry accepts.
  • When Jerry flirts with Lise in front of Milo at the club, Milo loses it.
  • Milo blames her outburst at the club on being tired, and the sponsorship's back on.
  • Milo sets Jerry up with a rad art studio and an exhibition. Jerry initially turns down both, but then agrees.
  • After Lise dumps him, Jerry shows romantic interest in Milo and takes her to the art students' ball.
  • At the ball, Adam tells Milo that he thinks Jerry's making a big mistake by working with her because she's too aggressive.
  • Milo and Jerry bump into Lise and Henri. Lise looks familiar to her, but she can't remember why.
  • Jerry tells Milo that he shouldn't have brought her to the ball because he's in love with Lise, and Milo remembers where she's seen Lise before.