Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Talking of breasts, I'm worried that I may end up like the rest of the women in my family, with just the one bust, like a sort of shelf affair. (1.2)

Georgia's not only commenting on her own appearance, but also that of members of her family. In other words, she doesn't keep her judgment focused only on herself. As the book continues, her family receives her judgy gaze plenty more times.

Quote #2

I have one of those under-the-skin spots that will never come to a head but lurk in a red way for the next two years. (1.11)

This gem of self-deprecation comes from Georgia's list of things wrong in her life. While we're all for valuing what's inside over what's outside, we know the kind of zit she's talking about, and those things are terrible.

Quote #3

I would have blond hair if I was allowed […]. (1.63)

We don't know where Georgia's beauty ideals come from, but it's clear that in her mind beauty is generally anything that isn't how she looks naturally. The blond hair dream is one she holds particularly tight to.