Animal Farm Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Animal Farm? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Orwell was struck by a thought when he saw a kid whipping a horse. What can we infer that thought was when we consider this novel?

Orwell? Think? Ha.
Animals are dumb and stupid and deserve a good whipping
If animals were aware of their power, we wouldn't be able to hold dominion over them
That kid was a nasty little brat
Q. What is Old Major's dream about?

A new rise to power
A girlfriend
Pending violence
Q. What does the overall plot represent represent?

The fall of Nicolas II and the rise of Russian communism
Why do books have to represent anything?
American democracy as it pertains to international affairs
The illiterate masses taking control of the world
Q. Where is Animal Farm set?

A Russian farm
An English farm
A Russian small town
It's on my nightstand right now
Q. What do we know about our dear narrator?

The narrator cares deeply about the outcome of Animal Farm
The narrator is an animal
The narrator has his or her own agenda
The narrator is a detached, third-person narrator