Robbie Turner Timeline & Summary


Robbie Turner Timeline & Summary

  • Robbie is born to Ernest and Grace Turner, servants of the Tallis family. After his father walks out, Jack Tallis pays for his education and Robbie makes good use of the opportunity.
  • Robbie comes back home (it is 1935) and decides to go to medical school to become a doctor.
  • Jack Tallis agrees to pay for his medical school.
  • At the same time, Robbie discovers he has fallen madly in love with Cecilia Tallis, his childhood playmate. She eventually realizes she loves him too.
  • Briony accuses Robbie of raping her cousin, Lola. Robbie is imprisoned for several years, but stays in constant touch with Cecilia by letter.
  • Robbie is released in 1940 to join the British Expeditionary Force fighting in France at the outbreak of World War II.
  • After the German defeat of the British, Robbie joins the British retreat. Though he is wounded, he leads two corporals, Mace and Nettles, to Dunkirk, the transportation point back to England.
  • Robbie escapes from France and rejoins Cecilia. They meet Briony, who apologizes for destroying their lives. They tell her to recant her testimony, and to write a long letter explaining her actions.
  • At the end of the book, we learn that Robbie did not actually escape France, but died of infection while waiting to be transported home.