Austenland Theme of Tradition and Customs

Some traditions have remained long-standing throughout many years, like having dinner with family on holidays or putting milk in your cereal. Some, however, have faded away. Like wearing wool bathing suits to the beach, and not going outside without a bonnet. Thankfully, Austenland is here to revive some of the long-buried customs of the 19th century… and to remind us why they died out in the first place. It might be fun to wear a corset every once in a while, but it's only fun until someone's ribs get broken.

Questions About Tradition and Customs

  1. What are the customs from Austen's day that have to be observed in Austenland?
  2. What difficulties does Jane face in adapting to a lady's life of leisure?
  3. Would you stay at Austenland voluntarily if you knew you had to follow all of these rules? Why or why not?