Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #1

These good people judged Miss Amelia in a different way from what the others judged her. (Ballad.47)

She may be a weird, but she's our weirdo.

Quote #2

And after a time there will come a moment when all together they will act in unison, not from thought or from the will of any one man, but as though their instincts had merged together so that the decision belongs to no single one of them, but to the group as a whole. (Ballad.51)

In a town as isolated as this one, folks have to band together to be both judge and jury.

Quote #3

[...] for they and their kind glory in conjunctions which are ill-matched and pitiful. So let them be. The good people thought that if those two had found some satisfaction of the flesh between themselves, then it was a matter concerning them and God alone. (Ballad.79)

The town is perfectly willing to give "Amelion" ("Lymelia"?) their blessing, whether it's been asked for or not. (It hasn't.)