Benito Cereno Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And might not that same undiminished Spanish crew, alleged to have perished off to a remnant, be at that very moment lurking in the hold? (58.123)

Captain Delano never imagines that the slaves are the ones tricking him. His suspicions always revolve around the Spaniards.

Quote #2

He recalled the Spaniard's manner while telling the story. There was a gloomy hesitancy and subterfuge about it. (59.124)

The manner in which people tell stories matters a lot when it comes to the effectiveness of their lies… but again, Delano doesn't suspect the slaves. 

Quote #3

"[…] master told me never mind where he was, or how engaged, always to remind him, to a minute, when shaving-time comes." (71.199)

While Babo is a skilled liar, his lies are dependent on complete control of Benito Cereno. What do you think would happen if Benito refused his shave?