Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 3 Summary

  • Tom talks to Birdy, a local old guy and generally helpful character, about wanting to help his mother more.
  • Birdy and Tom agree that Tom can't do much to improve his family's life without having a better barn.
  • Tom knows it will be a long time before he can afford materials for a barn, but he also thinks it might be cheaper if he can find the timber somewhere rather than buying it all new.
  • Birdy tells him that really the only good option for used timber is Bert Breen's Barn. He even offers to take Tom up to the property to look around.
  • Birdy comes around sometimes and teaches Tom to fish, catch rabbits, and do other helpful things, but it isn't until four years later when Tom is thirteen that Birdy drives him up to the Breen place.