Birdman Scene 7 Summary

  • Riggan takes Mike on a little stroll for some coffee so they can talk things out.
  • They talk about popularity and respect and prestige, but they never see eye to eye. Both have a lot at stake in the play but they think the other is self-centered and full of ridiculous sentimentality.
  • Instead of coffee, Mike walks into a bar where they drink some whiskey as the conversation continues.
  • Just as Mike says that no one cares about Riggan, a family comes up and asks for a picture. Mike takes it for them, very begrudgingly.
  • Then Mike walks over to Tabitha, the only New York theater critic that matters. Her review can make a play sink or swim.
  • But Mike isn't scared of her. She'll only give him a bad review if he gives her a bad performance, and he's confident that won't happen.
  • Riggan walks back to the theater where he finds Sam. He starts by being nice, thanking her for everything.
  • Then he smells pot. Then he finds pot. He gets mad at her, thinking that she'll be too high and ruin the play for him.
  • She tells him that his play doesn't matter and that he doesn't matter; he's irrelevant and so is everyone else.
  • She stops but it's too late. She leaves and Riggan is left, alone and sad. He picks up the joint and smokes what's left.