Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon Theme of Warfare

Warfare, despite all of its violence, is a delicate matter. Waging it can be easy, but winning it is really hard. In Bomb: The Race to Build—And Steal—The World's Most Dangerous Weapon, we see some of the political intrigue, the moral ambiguity, and the scientific innovations that make winning a war possible. Mostly, though, warfare in Bomb is a lot like setting: We know about the war because it's what necessitates a new, highly-advanced weapon, but for the most part it just helps set the scene for the meat of the story.

Questions About Warfare

  1. What are some of the major differences between how the Germans fought the war and how the Allies fought?
  2. What are some examples of both sides declaring that they are the "right" side to fight for?
  3. What are some different types of warfare that our characters engage in throughout Bomb?
  4. How was espionage an effective tool in warfare?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The atomic bomb was the more efficient alternative to fighting on the ground in Japan, but it wasn't the morally superior method.

If dropping the bomb truly did save thousands of American lives, then it was the right thing to do regardless of which side you are on.