Breakfast at Tiffany's Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Afterwards, avoiding the zoo (Holly said she couldn't bear to see anything in a cage), we giggled, ran, sang along the paths toward the old wooden boathouse, now gone (7.2).

Holly's resistance to being confined extends beyond people to include animals as well. While some may see the zoo as a place to learn and interact, Holly sees it as a prison.

Quote #2

It was near the antique shop with the palace of a bird cage in its window, so I took her there to see it, and she enjoyed the point, its fantasy: "But still, it's a cage" (7.4).

Although this passage is similar to the one about the zoo, we think the birdcage is such a significant symbol that it's worth mentioning. Holly can appreciate the beauty of the cage, but she can't get in line with what it stands for.

Quote #3

"Bless you, Buster. And bless you for being such a bad jockey. If I hadn't had to play Calamity Jane I'd still be looking forward to the grub in an unwed mama's home" (17.14).

Holly loses her baby after rescuing the narrator from his out-of-control horse, and she pretends to be happy that she'll be free from motherhood. But we know this is just an act. She seems genuinely happy when she's pregnant, suggesting that being a mother doesn't signify confinement to her.