

Character Role Analysis

That's a good question.

A really good question. Since Childhood's End takes place over a one hundred and thirty year span and several generations, it can be hard to really nail down that one character we can consider the protagonist, seeing as there is no one main dude traipsing through the story.

You might say it's Jan Rodricks, on the premise that his effort to get into space makes him the character we're most connected with and want to see succeed. You could also argue, though, that Karellen is the main man, er, alien since his conflict with grooming humanity for the Overmind is the driving force of the plot. And there's definitely something to be said for the idea that the entire human race is the protagonist since humanity comes of age and all.

Here's a twist for you: There is no protagonist at all—the events have already been predetermined, so there is no conflict or goal for any protagonist to strive for. Just a thought, of course, because really, there's no clear answer to this protagonist problem.

Ultimately, your unique reading of the ambiguous ending, the even more ambiguous Overmind, and whether humanity's fate is positive or negative will determine whom you consider the protagonist to be. Just remember: A protagonist's story generally revolves around a conflict with an antagonist or ideal.