The Chocolate War Chapter 7 Summary

  • Archie finds Emile Janza stealing gas from the car of a guy named Carlson.
  • Archie asks Emile how Carlson will react if he sees what's going on.
  • Emile, just smiles. Carlson is a skinny kid who doesn't want any trouble. He won't do anything. Most kids won't stand up to Emile.
  • Emile doesn't look tough, but he's "an animal and he [doesn't] play by the rules" (7.6). Emile's loves to torment teachers. He sits up in the front of the class so he can be as distracting as possible.
  • He also torments kids. Knowing that most people don't want a confrontation is his key to success.
  • This is why he can steal from a kid and the kid won't say anything. If somebody speaks up, he'll get hurt.
  • Emile also likes to insult kids in public, telling them they have bad breath, or asking them if they just farted. Stupid things like that.
  • So, most people treat him pretty well.
  • Emile thinks Trinity is a terrible school.
  • As Emile finishes stealing gas, Archie tells him, "Emile, you're a beautiful person" (7.8).
  • Emile isn't sure what to think. Archie is one person he doesn't mess with. He doesn't mess with The Vigils either. Archie and The Vigils both have his respect and admiration.
  • Archie says he admires Emile for stealing gas without even trying to hide the fact.
  • Emile imagines telling Archie about the way being violent actually makes him sexually aroused. Archie, he's sure, would be able to relate.
  • When Archie starts to leave, Emile stops him. He asks Archie about a picture. (You'll find out about the picture very soon.)
  • Archie just repeats Emile's question back to him. He wants Emile to be nervous about the picture.
  • He doesn't like Emile, but Emile's is still a useful tool.
  • As he watches Archie go, Emile wishes he could be a Vigil.
  • He's also kind of mad that Carlson didn't catch him stealing the gas.